Secret Garden Distillery Christmas Gin and Christmas gin gifts

T’is the season for ‘Gin’gle Bells with The Secret Garden Distillery’s Christmas in a bottle

The Secret Garden Distillery has been bottling it’s Christmas gin since July. In its signature red bottle, Christmas gin is a celebration of all things festive. “Every sip tastes like Christmas” explains Imogen Armstrong one of the company’s Co-Directors. She recommends enjoying it in a delicious hot toddy and the Distillery helpfully provide the recipe on the website.

And it’s not just Christmas gin. This month, in time for the festive season, the Distillery has launched it’s new gift packaging. Each box features two unique gin flavours, making it the perfect present for gin connoisseurs. The Christmas Box includes their special Christmas gin paired with their organic London Dry Wild gin. Whilst the Summer Box offers a mix of their Summer and floral gins. The final new pairing is the Explore Box featuring their award-winning Lemon Verbena gin contrasted with the sweeter pink Elderflower and Jasmine gin. The three miniature gift pack has also had a re-design. 

Gin miniatures make perfect stocking fillers but also perfect Christmas gift for gin lovers in this Gin Miniature Gift BoxChristmas Gin pair with Organic Wild Gin makes a perfect Christmas gin gift for the gin lover in your life in this Christmas Gin Gift Box

Over the past few months Isobel Armstrong, Co-Director and Imogen’s sister, has been spearheading a revamp of the brand. She shares, “We are undergoing a rebrand leading up to our bespoke bottle launch in the new year,” hinting at more exciting changes beyond the new gift packaging. Isobel adds, “As we approached new packaging, I wanted the design to bridge our historic brand and our emerging look.”

The packaging has been designed to be fully recyclable, standardised to reduce waste and, in response to customer feedback, made more secure for posting ensuring every aspect of their products aligns with their values of preserving and enhancing the natural world. From seed to sip, all their gins are truly ‘rooted in nature’.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Rebekah Sloan

PR Co-ordinator


About Secret Garden Distillery:

Secret Garden Distillery is known for crafting exceptional gins: rooted in nature and inspired by the plant in their distillery garden, nestled in the heart of the Pentlands. With an array of award-winning gins and the introduction of our ready-to-drink cocktails, their commitment to preserving and enhancing the natural world extends to every aspect of the operation. The Secret Garden Distillery is built on four core values: Product, Providence, People, and Planet.

Product: The Secret Garden Distillery take pride in producing exceptional, high-quality spirits. Their Natural Scottish Gin reflects the craftsmanship and dedication that goes into each bottle. The flavours are a result of the deep connection to the land and the meticulous care put into selecting and nurturing the botanicals.

Providence: The Secret Garden Distillery operates with a strong sense of providence. They understand that the world's resources are finite, and as stewards of the beautiful environment, they take responsibility seriously. Their practices aim to be sustainable, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the wonders of nature. 

People: The team is at the heart of the business’s success. The Secret Garden Distillery is a family, and their dedicated and passionate staff share the vision for creating exceptional spirits while promoting a positive impact on the world.

Planet: The Secret Garden Distillery are conscious of their environmental footprint and actively seek ways to reduce it. From sustainable sourcing to eco-friendly packaging, the business is committed to minimizing their impact on the planet. Their goal is not only to create fantastic spirits but also to make a positive difference in the world we call home.

To take a journey through nature, learn more about our values, and savour the flavours of our Natural Scottish Gin, visit