Gardening in April - What to do...

Gardening in April - What to do...

Gardening in April

I suppose what we should say is what shouldn’t we be doing in our garden in April, as April is all go, go, go! This is when the growing season really starts getting going, birdsong, spring blossom and rays of sunshine really start to lift the heart. There are seeds to sow, seedlings to plant out, beds to prepare, potatoes to dig in and the list just keeps on going. However, for me there are some keys jobs to be done:

  • Planting seeds should now be in full swing, either in a greenhouse or on a window sill. Choose your favourite flowers, herbs or vegetables that you have room for.

  • Your earlier seedlings can be potted on but still protected ie tomatoes, chillies, aubergines.

  • Start to dig some of your potatoes especially the early varieties.

  • Clear the soil for any new plants.

  • Why not create a new herb bed or pots next to the back door.

  • First cut of grass will be needed – however, allow a wild corner and don’t touch it - just leave it over to Mother Earth and plants and wildlife will come :)

It is the month of promise and excitement - of getting outdoors more; to start drinking your tea, coffee or your G&T, sitting out early evening, still wrapped up, to take in the bird song and longer evening light. Enjoy the green space, relax and invite nature in - be creative and imaginative with your energies in a garden - dig a pond if space allows and watch the magic unfold. Hx